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Sample letters to request funding for dune rebuilding

Department of Conservation and Recreation

Salisbury Beach State Reservation is a state-owned, public recreation area on the Atlantic Ocean in the town of Salisbury managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. Salisbury Beach overlooks the point at which the Merrimack River feeds the Atlantic Ocean. It's a great place to swim, boat, or camp.

Salisbury Beach State Reservation

Salisbury Beach Preservation Trust Fund

Seasonal Home Information Flyer

Salisbury Beach Rules 2020

DCR Commissioners response.PNG

Board of Directors:


Don Egan, Treasurer
John Housianitis, Secretary
Donna Champagne

Ray Champagne
Derek DePetrillo

Monique Greilich
Ron Guilmette
Neko Kady

Mike Magnifico
Dianne Masiello
Al Peterson

Maribeth Timony

Betsy Yarvitz

Mailing address:
PO Box 5508

Salisbury, MA  01952

Contact Us:

Government Directory and Elected Officials:

Senator Bruce Tarr

Representative Dawne Shand

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